How to add Cookie Consent to all pages

To display Popup on all pages, you need to add its shortcode to your website's theme. After you configured the widget, add the following line to the footer.php file of your theme (right before the </body>):

<?php echo do_shortcode('[elfsight_popup id="1"]'); ?>

Note: Don't forget to set the correct widget identifier in the id attribute of the shortcode (id="1") 

Learn more about the do_shortcode function at

For Child Themes

If you use a child theme, you can add the shortcode to the functions.php file of your child theme: 

function elfsight_add_popup_shortcode_to_footer() {     echo do_shortcode('[elfsight_popup id="1"]'); } add_action('wp_footer', 'elfsight_add_popup_shortcode_to_footer');

Note: Don't forget to set the correct widget identifier in the id attribute of the shortcode (id="1")

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